epa11902914 French President Emmanuel Macron (R) welcomes European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (L) ahead of a meeting on war in Ukraine and European security at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, 17 February 2025. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ
Troma EU
Propali napori europskih čelnika da na hitnom sastanku u Parizu predstave ujedinjeni stav o Ukrajini, prepirali su se oko slanja trupa
epa11873600 US President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks during a ceremony to honor the 2024 NHL Stanley Cup Champion Florida Panthers hockey team in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 03 February 2025. Earlier President Trump paused the new 25 percent tariffs on goods entering the United States from Mexico for a month as Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum agreed to send 10,000 Mexican soldiers to the Mexico/US border to prevent fentanyl trafficking. EPA/SHAWN THEW
dogovaraju zajedničku strategiju
Europski čelnici na samitu u Parizu o Trumpovim planovima za Ukrajinu
MOSCOW, RUSSIA - FEBRUARY 29, 2020: Opposition activist Alexei Navalny takes part in a memorial march marking the 5th anniversary of the assassination of opposition activist Boris Nemtsov. Boris Nemtsov was shot dead in central Moscow on 27 February 2015. Five men were convicted in 2017 for being hired to murder Nemtsov. Sergei Fadeichev/TASS Photo via Newscom Newscom/PIXSELL
počast otporu protiv diktature Putina
U Parizu avenija Aleksej Navalni u blizini ruskog veleposlanstva
epa11886936 French President Emmanuel Macron (C) and European leaders pose for a family picture during a meeting as part of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit at the Elysee in Paris, France, 10 February 2025. The summit takes place from 10 to 11 February. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ/POOL
potpisale apel za "otvorenu" UI
Samit: dvije suprotstavljene vizije svijeta o regulaciji umjetne inteligencije
epa11860317 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (L) reacts next to Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy Stephane Sejourne during a press conference on the European Competitiveness Compass in Brussels, Belgium, 29 January 2025. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo
EU će investirati 200 milijardi eura u razvoj umjetne inteligencije
epa11884837 French President Emmanuel Macron (C) meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (L) and Secretary General of the OECD Mathias Cormann (R) at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, 09 February 2025, ahead of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit. The summit takes place from 10 to 11 February. EPA/MICHEL EULER/POOL
Tehnološki divovi i predsjednici vlada na samitu u Parizu o umjetnoj inteligenciji
epa11507787 People look at the Seine river at the location of the Men's Triathlon course near Pont Alexandre III during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, 30 July 2024. The Men's Triathlon event scheduled for 30 July has been postponed to 31 July 'due to water quality', the Olympics communications department confirmed. EPA/JOEL CARRETT AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
Akcijski samit o umjetnoj inteligenciji u ponedjeljak i utorak u Parizu
epa11873600 US President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks during a ceremony to honor the 2024 NHL Stanley Cup Champion Florida Panthers hockey team in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 03 February 2025. Earlier President Trump paused the new 25 percent tariffs on goods entering the United States from Mexico for a month as Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum agreed to send 10,000 Mexican soldiers to the Mexico/US border to prevent fentanyl trafficking. EPA/SHAWN THEW
Trump i DeepSeek u središtu pariškog samita o umjetnoj inteligenciji
Londonska gužva
Najviše kašnjenja na posao imali su stanovnici Londona
epa11498062 A shiip carrying the delegation of USA sails on the Seine River during the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in Paris, France, 26 July 2024. EPA/JOEL CARRETT NO ARCHIVING AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
Olimpijske igre u Parizu u plusu 27 milijuna eura
epa11733282 A woman walks during snowfall near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, 21 November 2024. French National Weather and Climate Service Meteo-France issued an 'orange' warning in 32 departments from northern Brittany and Normandy to the Ile-de-France due to snowfall and freezing rain forecasted on 21 November. EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA
Otvara se grandiozna izložba posvećena "Boleru" Mauricea Ravela
Pariz, 26.07.2024 - Otvaranje Olimpijskih igara Pariz 2024 na Trocadero trgu u Parizu. Na slici Eiffelov toranj i olimpijski krugovi. foto HINA/ POOL/ Damir Senčar/ lsd Photo: Damir Sencar/HINA/POOL/PIXSELL
Kirill Grjaznov
Rus optužen za "destabilizaciju OI u Parizu", stavljen u kućni pritvor
šuma drvo
Zeleni otoci osvježavaju tijekom toplinskog vala
24.07.2024., Pariz, Francuska - Panoramski pogled na Pariz sa Montparnasse nebodera visokog 210m metara. Olimpijske igre Pariz 2024. svecano se otvaraju sutra 26. srpnja i traju do 11. kolovoza 2024. Photo: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL
Prodan rekordan broj ulaznica za Olimpijske i Paraolimpijske igre
Pariz, 28.08.2024. - Ceremonija otvaranja Paraolimpijskih igara Paris 2024. foto HINA/ Daniel KASAP/ dk
Pariz postaje najveći noćni klub na zatvaranju POI-a
Zagreb, 20.08.2018 - Tiskovna konferencija Hrvatskog paraolimpijskog odbora u povodu dolaska reprezentacije s Europskog paraplivačkog prvenstva održanog u irskom Dublinu. Na slici osvajač zlatne medalje u utrci na 100 metara leđnim stilom Dino Sinovčić i Nataša Sobočan.foto HINA/ Damir SENČAR /ds
Dino Sinovčić izborio finale discipline 100 leđno