Zagreb, 14.12.2024.- U organizaciji Sindikata znanosti, ?kolskog sindikata Preporod i Nezavisnog sindikata zaposlenih u srednjim ?kolama u Zagrebu je odr?an prosvjed zbog nezadovoljstva novim Zakonom o pla?ama i sustavom ocjenjivanja koji bi u javnim slu?bama trebao stupiti na snagu 1. sije?nja. Na slici prosvjednici na trgu Republike Hrvatske. foto HINA/ Lana SLIVAR DOMINI?/ ua
Sindikati u 2024. obilježenoj prosvjedima i štrajkovima
epa11791852 A protester holds a cross during a demonstration in the Bab Touma neighborhood of Damascus, Syria, 24 December 2024. Syrian Christians demonstrated against the burning of a Christmas tree overnight by masked men in the town of Suqaylabiyah in the Hama governorate.  EPA/HASAN BELAL
Sirijci prosvjeduju nakon paljenja božićnog drvca
epa11761055 A supporter of the Georgian opposition launches fireworks during a protest in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06 December 2024. Thousands of pro-EU activists continue their protests in the Georgian capital against the country's ruling party decision to suspend accession talks with the European Union (EU) until the end of 2028. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Gruzija prosvjednicima zakonom zabranila prekrivanje lica i pirotehniku
epaselect epa11761286 Police use water cannons to disperse Georgian opposition supporters protesting in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 06 December 2024. Thousands of pro-EU activists continue their protests in the Georgian capital against the country's ruling party decision to suspend accession talks with the European Union (EU) until the end of 2028. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Policija privela desetke proeuropski orijentiranih prosvjednika u Tbilisiju
epa11755464 Police officers detain a protester during Georgian opposition supporters protest in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 03 December 2024. Thousands of pro-EU activists continue their protests in the Georgian capital against the country's ruling party decision to suspend accession talks with the European Union (EU) until the end of 2028. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
/Video/ Gruzijskoga oporbenog vođu pretučenog i u nesvijesti privela policija
epaselect epa11752433 Police use water cannons to disperse Georgian opposition supporters protesting in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 01 December 2024. Thousands of pro-EU activists demonstrated in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi to protest against the country's ruling party decision to suspend accession talks with the European Union (EU) until the end of 2028. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Dvadesetak ozlijeđenih u Gruziji nakon proeuropskih prosvjeda
epa11751321 A protestor makes red hand imprints symbolizing blood during the one month anniversary of the Novi Sad train station accident in Novi Sad, Serbia, 01 December 2024. Fifteen people lost their lives in the collapse of the Novi Sad Railway Station canopy on 01 November 2024. The station building, which had been renovated and reopened on 05 July 2024, was undergoing further renovations shortly before the collapse. EPA/ANDREJ CUKIC
Prosvjednici obojali u crveno centar Novoga Sada
Novi Sad, 1.11.2024. - Osam je osoba poginulo, dvije su teško ozlijeđene, a još su dvije osobe ispod ruševina urušene nadstrešnice željezničkog kolodvora u Novom Sadu, priopćio je u petak ministar srbijanske policije Ivica Dačić nakon dolaska na mjesto nesreće. "Izuzetno teška akcija trajat će nekoliko sati. Osam tijela je izvučeno iz ruševina", rekao je Dačić i dodao da je dvoje ljudi u bolnici te da je jedno od njih u teškom stanju jer mu je noga amputirana. Na fotografiji spasilačke ekipe. foto HINA/ TANJUG/ OMK MUP REPUBLIKE SRBIJE/ nr/ ml
Zbog tragedije kod kolodvora novi veliki prosvjedni skup u Novom Sadu
epa11750074 Police block a street during a protest near the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 November 2024. Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze said on 28 November that Tbilisi will refuse EU accession talks until 2028. The ruling Georgian Dream Party was announced as the winner of the parliamentary elections held on 26 October 2024. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Sukobi proeuropskih prosvjednika i policije ispred parlamenta
GRUZIJA epaselect epa11748509 A Georgian opposition supporter waves an European flag during a protest in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 29 November 2024. Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze said on 28 November that Tbilisi will refuse EU accession talks until 2028. The ruling Georgian Dream Party was announced as the winner of the parliamentary elections held on 26 October 2024. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Parlament nema legitimitet
Gruzijska predsjednica: Neću napustiti poziciju nakon isteka mandata
epa11748263 Georgian opposition supporters protest in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 29 November 2024. Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze said on 28 November that Tbilisi will refuse EU accession talks until 2028. The ruling Georgian Dream Party was announced as the winner of the parliamentary elections held on 26 October 2024. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Gruzijski premijer nakon proeuropskih prosvjeda kaže da neće dozvoliti revoluciju
epa11748614 Georgian opposition supporters launch fireworks towards the police during a protest in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 November 2024. Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze said on 28 November that Tbilisi will refuse EU accession talks until 2028. The ruling Georgian Dream Party was announced as the winner of the parliamentary elections held on 26 October 2024. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Sukob policije i proeuropskih prosvjednika zbog zamrzavanja pregovora
epaselect epa11747056 A Georgian opposition supporter launches fireworks towards the police during protest in front of the Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, 29 November 2024. Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said on 28 November that Tbilisi will refuse EU accession talks until 2028. On 26 October 2024, parliamentary elections were held in Georgia. Around 20 parties competed for seats in the country's highest legislative body, which comprises 150 deputies. The ruling Georgian Dream Party was announced as the winner of the parliamentary elections. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Gruzijci prosvjeduju nakon što je vlada suspendirala pristupne pregovore s EU-om
epa11741197 Pakistani security officials clash with supporters of opposition Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) party of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, as they continue to protest demanding release of Khan, in Islamabad, Pakistan, 26 November 2024. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan, currently imprisoned, called on his supporters to participate in a 'peaceful protest' in Islamabad, on 24 November, emphasizing the need to oppose what he termed the 'illegal' nature of his imprisonment. EPA/SOHAIL SHAHZAD
Šest mrtvih u Pakistanu dok prosvjednici traže oslobađanje bivšeg premijera Khana
Novi Sad/ Beograd, 15.11.2024 - Gra?ani Novog Sada zastali su u petak na ulicama grada i stoje?i u ?etrnaestominutnoj ?utnji simboli?no odali po?ast ?rtvama nesre?e na ?eljezni?kom kolodvoru 1. studenog kada je u ru?enju nadstre?nice poginulo 14 uglavnom mladih ljudi. Novosa?anima su se pridru?ili i zastupnici srbijanske parlamentarne oporbe koji su ispred zgrade parlamenta u Beogradu razvili crni flor i 14 minuta u ti?ini stajali na ulici. Na akciju odavanja po?asti nastradalima od 11:52 do 12:06 sati pozvala je novosadska oporba. foto HINA/ FoNet/ ZLF/ ik
Prosvjedi u Srbiji, ostavka još jednog ministra, Dačić kaže - situacija stabilna
05, November, 2024, Novi Sad - The citizens' protest in Novi Sad started at the scene of the tragedy at the Railway Station, and then the gathered people moved to the City Hall.Photo: F.S./ATAImages05, novembar, 2024, Novi Sad - Gradjanski protest u Novom Sadu je poceo na mestu tragedije na Zeleznickoj stanici, a potom su okupljeni krenuli na Gradskoj kuci. Photo: F.S./ATAImages Photo: F.S./ATAImages/PIXSELL
ogroman prosvjed u novom sadu
Većina prosvjednika se razišla. Manja grupa maskiranih muškaraca nastavlja demolirati gradsku vijećnicu. Počela privođenja