#Olaf Scholz
epa11718332 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech at the German Parliament Bundestag in Berlin, Germany, 13 November 2024. German Chancellor Scholz delivered a government statement on the current political situation. EPA/FILIP SINGER
Scholz: Ukrajina nije kriva za rusku agresiju
epa11842038 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech during a plenary session in the Congress Hall, during the 55th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, 21 January 2025. The World Economic Forum annual meeting brings together entrepreneurs, scientists, and corporate and political leaders in Davos and takes place from January 20 to 24. EPA/MICHAEL BUHOLZER
Scholz u Parizu: EU i SAD ne smiju biti podijeljeni u pregovorima
epa11897287 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during the 61st Munich Security Conference (MSC), in Munich, Germany, 15 February 2025. High-level international decision-makers meet at the 61st Munich Security Conference in Munich from 14 to 16 February 2025 during their annual meeting to discuss global security issues. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
ključan samit europskih čelnika
Uoči sastanka u Parizu Scholz poziva na europsko jedinstvo po pitanju Ukrajine
epa11897287 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during the 61st Munich Security Conference (MSC), in Munich, Germany, 15 February 2025. High-level international decision-makers meet at the 61st Munich Security Conference in Munich from 14 to 16 February 2025 during their annual meeting to discuss global security issues. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
tjedan dana do prijevremenih parlamentarnih izbora
Scholz kritizirao miješanje JD Vancea u njemačke izbore
epa11658063 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (C-R) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (C-L) stand with heads of state pose for a family photo during the 10th 2024 Berlin Process Summit at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, 14 October 2024. Chancellor Scholz will hold two working meetings and a working lunch with the participants on the topics of 'Regional Cooperation and Common Regional Market', 'Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, Connectivity, and Energy' and the future direction of the Berlin Process.  EPA/Hannibal Hanschke
ne smiju se ignorirati zahtjevi Kijeva
Njemački političari odbacuju "nametanje mira" Ukrajini, traže sudjelovanje Europe
epa11872529 Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and faction Friedrich Merz (L) gestures next to North Rhine-Westphalia State Premier Hendrik Wuest during the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) federal party conference in Berlin, Germany, 03 February 2025. The 37th CDU party conference takes place 20 days ahead of the German federal elections scheduled for 23 February 2025. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
Okršaj Scholza i Merza na posljednjoj sjednici Bundestaga u ovom sazivu
epa11716389 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attends a faction meeting of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) at the German parliament Bundestag in Berlin, Germany, 12 November 2024. The parliamentary groups of the parties of the German Bundestag meet on a regular basis prior to the plenary sessions. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
Scholz kritizirao Trumpovu vanjsku politiku
epa11842038 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech during a plenary session in the Congress Hall, during the 55th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, 21 January 2025. The World Economic Forum annual meeting brings together entrepreneurs, scientists, and corporate and political leaders in Davos and takes place from January 20 to 24. EPA/MICHAEL BUHOLZER
ispitivanje instituta YouGov
Socijaldemokratima Olafa Scholza raste popularnost
epa11857497 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (L) and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) attend a joint press conference in Berlin, Germany, 28 January 2025. EPA/MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN DENMARK OUT
Sastanak Scholza i Frederiksen nakon Trumpovih upozorenja o Grenlandu
epa11808799 French President Emmanuel Macron delivers his speech to French ambassadors posted around the world, at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, 06 January 2025. EPA/AURELIEN MORISSARD/POOL MAXPPP OUT
Scholz i Macron sastaju se nakon Trumpova povratka u Bijelu kuću
epa11842038 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech during a plenary session in the Congress Hall, during the 55th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, 21 January 2025. The World Economic Forum annual meeting brings together entrepreneurs, scientists, and corporate and political leaders in Davos and takes place from January 20 to 24. EPA/MICHAEL BUHOLZER
Scholz u Davosu poziva da se ostane 'hladne glave', oprezno optimističan glede Trumpa
epa11745195 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during a ceremony marking the 125th anniversary of the Emschergenossenschaft in Bochum, Germany, 28 November 2024. The Emschergenossenschaft is responsible for the construction of wastewater and sewer systems in North-Rhine Westphalia. EPA/CHRISTOPHER NEUNDORF
prijevremeni parlamentarni izbori
Njemački socijaldemokrati vjeruju u ponovnu pobjedu
epa11780572 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech at the meeting of the German Bundestag on the vote of confidence in the Chancellor, in Berlin, Germany, 16 December 2024. Scholz has submitted a motion for a vote of confidence in the German Bundestag to pave the way for new elections. EPA/HANNIBAL HANSCHKE
Njemačke stranke održavaju ključne sastanke dok se kampanja zahuktava
26 June 2022, Bavaria, Elmau: Emmanuel Macron (l), President of France, is welcomed by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to the G7 Summit at Schloss Elmau. Germany is hosting the G7 summit of economically strong democracies from June 26 to 28, 2022. On the first day of the summit, the global economic situation, climate protection and foreign and security policy with sanctions against Russia will be discussed. Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/DPA
Problemi u Francuskoj i Njemačkoj loša su vijest za EU
epa11716389 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attends a faction meeting of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) at the German parliament Bundestag in Berlin, Germany, 12 November 2024. The parliamentary groups of the parties of the German Bundestag meet on a regular basis prior to the plenary sessions. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN
Scholz pozvao na uvođenje subvencija za električne automobile na razini EU-a
epa11780572 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech at the meeting of the German Bundestag on the vote of confidence in the Chancellor, in Berlin, Germany, 16 December 2024. Scholz has submitted a motion for a vote of confidence in the German Bundestag to pave the way for new elections. EPA/HANNIBAL HANSCHKE
Pala vlada
Njemačkom kancelaru Scholzu izglasano nepovjerenje