#Europska unija
epa11689220 A supporter of opposition parties wears a European Union (EU) flag during a protest in Tbilisi, Georgia, 28 October 2024, opposing the results of the parliamentary elections held on 26 October. Nearly 20 parties competed for seats in the country's highest legislative body, which comprises 150 deputies. The ruling Georgian Dream party, in power for 12 years, won with 54.3 percent of the vote. In response, several parties announced a boycott of the parliament, and the opposition Coalition for Changes declined both parliamentary mandates and state funding. EPA/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI
Građani žele zaštitu EU-a: Trump osvijestio Europljane o nužnosti jedinstvene Unije
08.02.2022., Sibenik - Policijska akcija usmjerena na pjesake i vozila provodi se tijekom jutra na podrucju grada Sibenika. Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL
suglasnost o dopuni direktive
Dogovorena nova pravila o vozačkim dozvolama u EU-u, za nove vozače vrijedit će stroža pravila i sankcije
epa11985200 EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Kaja Kallas (C) and Israeli Foreign Minister Gideon Sa'ar (L) during a visit at Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust History Museum, in Jerusalem, 24 March 2025. The EU top diplomat is on a visit to Israel and the West Bank. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
Kallas: EU protiv "nove eskalacije" na Bliskom istoku, nužan povratak primirju
06.03.2024., Europska cetvrt, Bruxelles (Belgija) - Palaca Berlaymont je poslovna zgrada u Bruxellesu u Belgiji, u kojoj je smjesteno sjediste Europske komisije, izvrsnog ogranka Europske unije (EU). Objekt se nalazi na adresi Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, tik uz kruzni tok Schuman, u dijelu grada poznatom kao "Europska cetvrt ". Jedinstveni arhitektonski oblik palace Berlaymont postao je sluzbeni simbol Europske komisije i ukomponiran je u njezin logotip. Photo: Dejan Rakita/PIXSELL
Čelnici 26 država
EU ponovno bez Mađarske izražava punu potporu ukrajinskoj neovisnosti, suverenitetu i teritorijalnom integritetu
epa11954026 European Commissioner for Defense and Space Andrius Kubilius speaks during a debate on 'Effect of climate change on the EU's most vulnerable regions' at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, 10 March 2025. The EU Parliament's session runs from 10 till 13 March 2025. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
Obrambeni paket: Stotine milijardi eura na dugoročnu potrebu za jačanjem sigurnosti i obrane Europe
Rijeka, 24.01.2025. - Zbog visokih cijena hrane u petak je u cijeloj Hrvatskoj organiziran bojkot kupovine artikala. Tako su se i Riječani pridružili bojkotu trgovačkih centara i kupovine na riječkoj placi. foto HINA/ Miljenko KLEPAC/ tm
Inflacija u EU i eurozoni usporila u veljači; blaži rast cijena i u Hrvatskoj
epa11944377 (L-R) EU Council President Antonio Costa, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrive for an European Special Council meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 06 March 2025. The EU leaders are convening for a special summit to discuss ongoing support for Ukraine and enhance European defence. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
Samit EU-a o Ukrajini, jačanju obrane, konkuretnosti i višegodišnjem proračunu
Autocesta A3, skretanje za A5 - Slavonika
Hrvatska četvrta najgora u EU-u po broju poginulih u prometu
epa11790831 A child walks on top of a building in the Yarmouk refugee camp on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, 19 December 2024 (issued 23 December 2024). Established in 1957, some 160,000 Palestinians lived in Yarmouk according to UNRWA until the start of the Syrian uprising in 2011. Fierce fighting led to the displacement of a large number of inhabitants in 2012 and access to humanitarian aid was severly limited following its besiegement by the then Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad in 2013. EPA/ANTÓNIO PEDRO SANTOS
EU za Siriju namjenio 2,5 milijardi eura ove i sljedeće godine
Osijek, 08. 01. 2025., ZOO vrt, zima, zimska šetnja, južina u ZOO vrtu, vukSNIMIO BRUNO JOBST
Mijenja se status zaštite
EU će dozvoliti odstrel vukova. Stočari i lovci za, ekolozi - protiv
epa11949008 Migrants arrive at La Restinga port, El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain, 08 March 2025, after being rescued by Salvamento Maritimo. EPA/GELMERT FINOL
Europska unija: U pripremi strože mjere za suzbijanje iregularnih migracija
epa11956696 Members of the 157th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army carry out repairs to explosive reactive armour (ERA) of a T-64 tank at an undisclosed position near the frontline in the Toretsk-Kostyantynivka area, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, 11 March 2025, amid the Russian invasion. The 'Nizh' ERA modules are box-shaped metal compartments filled with explosive plates. These plates, designed to detonate outward upon impact, disrupt anti-tank missiles protecting the tank's crew. EPA/MARIA SENOVILLA
Europska unija: Ukrajini vojna pomoć i do 40 milijardi eura
epa11961540 European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen addresses the media after the 8th South Africa-European Union (SA-EU) Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, 13 March 2025. EPA/HALDEN KROG
Diplomati EU-a predlažu udvostručenje vojne pomoći Ukrajini ove godine
epa11781869 A view of a scene of an explosion in Moscow, Russia 17 December 2024. According to a statement by the Investigative Committee of Russia, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov and his assistant were killed in a blast outside of an apartment building in Moscow. The committee's statement said the explosive was hidden inside of an electric scooter. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV
EU produžio sankcije za osobe umiješane u rusku invaziju na Ukrajinu
Osijek, 31. 03. 2024, Uskrsna besplatna turisticka setnja od Konkatedrale do Tvrdje. Vodic Stanko Subotic.snimio GOJKO MITIĆ
U EU u 2024. rekordnih 3 milijarde turističkih noćenja, Hrvatska deveta
08.10.2021., Sibenik - Na sibenskom veleucilistu svecano je otvorena 5. medjunarodna znanstvena i strucna konferencija "Izazovi danasnjice". Otvaranju su nazocili ministar pravosudja i uprave dr. sc. Ivan Malenica, drzavni tajnik Sredisnjeg drzavnog ureda za razvoj digitalnog drustva Bernard Grsic,dozupan Sibensko-kninske zupanije Ognjen Vukmirovic,zamjenik gradonacelnika Grada Sibenika, mr. sc. Danijel Mileta. i domacin dekan veleucilista Ljubo Runjic. Photo: Dusko Jaramaz/PIXSELL
Posljednji događaji razotkrili su sve slabosti Europske unije