epa09714556 A handout still image taken from handout video made available by the Russian Defence Ministry press service shows Russian S-400 mobile long-range surface-to-air missile (LR-SAM) systems developed by Almaz-Antey, train for the protection of airspace in the Sverdlovsk region, Russia, 28 January 2022. About 3,000 servicemen of the Guards Red Banner Combined Arms Army of the Western Military District (ZVO) have begun combat training at training grounds in the Moscow, Rostov, Krasnodar, Yaroslav, Voronezh, Belgorod, Bryansk and Smolensk regions. In December 2021, the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft agreements between the Russian Federation and NATO and the United States on security guarantees. The document says that the United States should not create military bases in the territories of the former Soviet Union countries that are not members of NATO. The Russian Foreign Ministry on 26 January 2022 received a response from the United States and NATO on security guarantees. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE/HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


16.2.2025., 17:59
dva incidenta u nedjelju

Četiri osobe ubijene u ukrajinskom napadu dronovima u ruskoj regiji Belgorod

U ukrajinskom napadu dronovima smrtno su stradale četiri osobe u dva incidenta u ruskoj graničnoj regiji Belgorod u nedjelju, rekao je guverner regije.

Guverner Vjačeslav Gladkov rekao je da je žena umrla na mjestu u napadu pokraj granice, jugoistočno od regionalnog administrativnog centra Belgorod.

Četiri muškarca ubijena su kasnije u sličnom napadu dalje prema istoku, također u blizini granice. Sve četiri osobe putovale su automobilima. Belgorod je redovito meta ukrajinskih granatiranja u gotovo trogodišnjem sukobu.