epaselect epa11764093 Calin Georgescu, Romania's independent candidate who won the first round of the presidential elections, talks to the media outside the Secondary School No. 1 polling station, where he was scheduled to cast his vote in the second round of the presidential elections in Mogosoaia, near Bucharest, Romania, 08 December 2024. The Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) annulled the first round of presidential elections on 06 December. According to the CCR, the government will set a new election date, and the entire electoral process will be re-run, beginning with candidate registration and validation. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT

epaselect epa11764093 Calin Georgescu, Romania's independent candidate who won the first round of the presidential elections, talks to the media outside the Secondary School No. 1 polling station, where he was scheduled to cast his vote in the second round of the presidential elections in Mogosoaia, near Bucharest, Romania, 08 December 2024. The Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) annulled the first round of presidential elections on 06 December. According to the CCR, the government will set a new election date, and the entire electoral process will be re-run, beginning with candidate registration and validation. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT

8.12.2024., 21:45
izbori u rumunjskoj

Prosvjed Georgescua zbog poništenja izbora

Zajedno s predsjedničkim kandidatom krajnje desnice Calinom Georgescuom njegovi su istomišljenici prosvjedovali ispred biračkog mjesta u blizini Bukurešta, uzvikujući “Dolje diktatura”, “Želimo glasati” i “Lopovi”, zbog poništenja prvog kruga predsjedničkih izbora nakon optužbi o upletanju Rusije u glasanje. Georgescu je neočekivano imao najviše glasova u poništenom krugu. Ustavni sud je odlučio poništiti izborni proces jer je bio “obilježen višestrukim nepravilnostima”.