epa06915659 Rescuers work at the site where a bus carrying some 40 passengers fell into valley near Poladpur in Raigad district of Maharashtra, India, 28 July 2018. According to reports, more than 30 people feared to death after a bus carrying staff members of Dapoli Agriculture University slipped off the road and fell into a valley near Poladpur in Raigad district, some 200 kilometres from Mumbai. EPA/STR BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE

epa06915659 Rescuers work at the site where a bus carrying some 40 passengers fell into valley near Poladpur in Raigad district of Maharashtra, India, 28 July 2018. According to reports, more than 30 people feared to death after a bus carrying staff members of Dapoli Agriculture University slipped off the road and fell into a valley near Poladpur in Raigad district, some 200 kilometres from Mumbai. EPA/STR BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE

4.11.2024., 15:36

Bus u provaliji, 36 osoba mrtvo

Nova nesreća sa smrtnim stradanjem putnika iz autobusa zbila se u Indiji. Do nesreće je došlo na sjeverozapadu Indije u okrugu Almora. Lokalna policija izvijestila je kako je najmanje 36 osoba izgubilo život, a još deset ih je ozlijeđeno. Strahuje se kako će broj žrtava rasti jer se još najmanje pet osoba vodi kao nestali. Vozač je u jednom trenutku izgubio kontrolu, nakon čega je sletio u 200 metara duboku provaliju. Vlasti istražuju je li do nesreće došlo zbog kvara.