epa11598443 A handout satellite image made available by NASA's Worldview application, part of the NASA Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS), of Tropical Storm Francine churning over the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Louisiana, USA, 10 September 2024 (issued 11 September 2024). According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National Weather Service, Hurricane Francine, a Category 1 storm with max sustained winds of 90 mph, is expected to continue northeast and make landfall along the Louisiana coast on 11 September. The storm is forecast to bring multiple hazards to the area including heavy rainfall, coastal flooding, gusty winds and a threat of tornadoes throughout the day. EPA/NASA WORLDVIEW HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
24.9.2024., 13:53

Jugozapad Meksika na udaru uragana

Uragan John zahvatio je jugozapad Meksika kao uragan treće kategorije na ljestvici od 5 s vjetrom koji puše brzinom i do 195 km/h. John je zahvatio područje blizu Marquelie u državi Guerrero na obali Tihog oceana. Nacionalna agencija za civilnu zaštitu izdala je crveno upozorenje, pozvavši stanovnike pogođenih područja da ostanu u svojim domovima i da se drže podalje od prozora. Državu Guerrero je 25. listopada 2023. pogodio uragan kategorije 5 Otis. On je opustošio priobalno ljetovalište Acapulco, usmrtivši pritom više od 40 ljudi.