epa11586363 A handout photo released by the press service of the State Emergency Service (SES) of Ukraine shows Ukrainian rescuers working at the site of a rocket strike in Poltava, central Ukraine, 05 September 2024, amid the Russian invasion. As a result of a Russian rocket attack on 03 September 2024, the six-story building of the educational building was partially destroyed, three apartment buildings, five private houses and an office building were damaged. The death toll from a Russian strike on an educational institution in Poltava rose to at least 54 dead and 297 injured, SES said. Ukrainian rescuers continued to work at the site of the attack, where five more people are feared to be trapped under the rubble. Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory on 24 February 2022, starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. EPA/STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE HANDOUT -- BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE -- MANDATORY CREDIT: STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAINE -- HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
8.9.2024., 08:24

Dvoje mrtvih i četvero ozlijeđenih u ruskom napadu na Sumi

Dvije su osobe poginule, a četiri su ozlijeđene u noćnom ruskom zračnom napadu na Sumi, priopćila je u nedjelju vojna uprava te sjeveroistočne ukrajinske regije.

Među ozlijeđenima je dvoje djece, a oštećeno je nekoliko stambenih kuća i automobila, izvijestila je vojna uprava na aplikaciji za razmjenu poruka Telegram.

Reuters nije mogao neovisno provjeriti izvješće, a komentara napada trenutno nije bilo ni od ruske strane.

Regija Sumi, koja graniči s Rusijom, predmet je čestih napada ruskih snaga. Moskva niječe da cilja civile, već tvrdi da njezini napadi imaju za cilj uništavanje ukrajinske infrastrukture, ključne za ratne napore Kijeva, piše Reuters.