epa10096784 A man passes in front of Bulgarian Parliament in Sofia on 29 July 2022. Bulgaria, which last year celebrated three general elections to achieve the difficult formation of the Government at the end of December, will have to organize the fourth in 18 months after the failure of the third and last attempt to create the Executive. Once the options are exhausted, the president will have to dissolve the Parliament on 01 or 02 August, convene elections within 60 days, which will end on an electoral date for 02 October, and to designate an interim Government until the creation of regular Government after the elections. EPA/VASSIL DONEV

epa10096784 A man passes in front of Bulgarian Parliament in Sofia on 29 July 2022. Bulgaria, which last year celebrated three general elections to achieve the difficult formation of the Government at the end of December, will have to organize the fourth in 18 months after the failure of the third and last attempt to create the Executive. Once the options are exhausted, the president will have to dissolve the Parliament on 01 or 02 August, convene elections within 60 days, which will end on an electoral date for 02 October, and to designate an interim Government until the creation of regular Government after the elections. EPA/VASSIL DONEV

5.8.2024., 19:19

Bugarska: Sedmi izbori od 2021.

Bugarska stranka Postoji takav narod (ITN) u ponedjeljak je vratila mandat za formiranje vlade predsjedniku Rumenu Radevu, nakon što nije uspjela formirati stabilnu koaliciju. Radev sad mora imenovati privremenog premijera te u sljedećim danima mora raspisati nove izbore, sedme od 2021. godine, koji se moraju održati unutar iduća dva mjeseca.