epa11304108 A worker driving a tractor removes dry vines in a vineyard near La Palme, Aude department, southern France, 23 April 2024 (issued 27 April 2024). Southern France has been experiencing severe drought for two years, especially in the departments of Pyrenees Orientales and Aude. In 2023, this led to a 70 percent loss in wine production in the region. Due to warmer climate conditions and less rainfall, 'Champs des soeurs' vineyard has decided to reduce its wine production from 18 to five hectares of vineyard and to diversify into aloe vera plants. In 2021, they started with 300 aloe vera plants, and by 2024 they reached 3,000 plants. The succulent plant species, which has been used in traditional herbal medicine for centuries, produces a variety of chemicals that are found in many pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. EPA/GUILLAUME HORCAJUELO ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
20.8.2024., 19:37

Suša izazvala velike štete

Zbog izrazito visokih temperatura i manjka oborina virovitičko-podravski župan Igor Andrović, na prijedlog općina i gradova, proglasio je prirodnu nepogodu u dijelu te županije. Župan Andrović je zbog suše proglasio prirodnu nepogodu za područja Virovitice, Orahovice, Crnca, Čađavice, Lukača, Gradine, Mikleuša, Nove Bukovice, Pitomače, Sopja, Suhopolja, Špišić Bukovice i Zdenaca. Naime, zbog manjks oborina tijekom lipnja, srpnja i kolovoza na tim područjima zabilježene su velike štete na ratarskim, povrtlarskim industrijskim i voćarskim poljoprivrednim kulturama, livadama i pašnjacima te u ribnjačarskog proizvodnji.