epa11850415 A musher competes with his dogs during the Sedivackuv Long 2025 sled dog race near the Czech-Polish border in the Orlicke mountains, around the village of Destne v Orlickych horach, Czech Republic, 24 January 2025. Around 700 dogs and more than 100 mushers are sledding through the Orlicke Mountain (Eagle Mountain) range near the Czech border with Poland in the longest race of its kind in the Czech Republic and one of the hardest in Europe, running from 21 to 25 January 2025. Mushers from ten different countries are taking part in the four-day stage dog sled race, which is in its 27th year. The race includes overnight bivouacs or camps, the supplies and equipment for which must be brought by the participants themselves. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
26.1.2025., 19:05

Završene utrke psećih zaprega

Više od 700 pasa i stotinjak timova sudjelovalo je u jednoj od najtežih utrka psećih zaprega, a koja se tijekom vikenda održala u blizini češko-poljske granice na snijegom prekrivenoj planini Orlicke, u blizini sela Destne v Orlickych Horach u Češkoj. Riječ je o međunarodnoj utrci koja je održana 27. put, a sudjelovali su timovi iz desetak država.