Picture MUST credit: Paramount Here's a first look at the new Tom Cruise Mission:Impossible movie, The Final Reckoning. The star, 62, returns as special agent Ethan Hunt in what is actually part two of 2023's Dead Reckoning. The new movie, due out on May 23 next year, follows Hunt and the IMF team's efforts to must track down a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity if it falls into the wrong hands. A next-generation Russian stealth submarine is testing an AI system to help evade enemy submarines. But AI seems to have a mind of its own deceives the crew into attacking a phantom target only to be struck by their own torpedo, killing all aboard. There are two parts of the key to engage the AI which the team must recover. A teaser trailer shows Cruise reunited with his team of Benji played by Simon Pegg, Luther, played by Ving Rhames and Hayley Atwell as Grace. The action clips include a biplane stunt with Cruise hanging by his fingertips onto the aircraft. There are also lots of scenes of snow, submarines and the mysterious keys. It is the eighth Cruise Mission: Impossible movie. Picture suplied by JLPPA Photo: JLPPA/Bestimage/BESTIMAGE
3.12.2024., 10:33

Tom Cruise snima horor-triler

Nakon znanstvenofantastičnog filma “Na rubu budućnosti” (2014.) i biografskog filma “American Made” (2017.) Tom Cruise i redatelj Doug Liman spremaju novu suradnju. U intervjuu za portal Showbiz 411 Liman je potvrdio da je Cruise potpisao ugovor za glavnu ulogu u njegovu nadolazećem horor-trileru “Deeper”, koji će obojici biti debi u tom žanru.